Cultivation of invasive plants
Penalty for the First Time:
1000 S.R
Penalty for the Second Time:
4,000 S.R
Penalty for the Third Time:
10,000 S.R
Per tree or shrub
Cultivation in vegetation cover lands without a permit
300 S.R
1,000 S.R
5,000 S.R
Scattering seeds in vegetation cover lands without a permit
20,000 S.R
The violator is required to remove the violation, repair the damage, and pay compensation
Grazing camels and cows in protected rangelands without a permit
100 S.R
150 S.R
500 S.R
Per head of livestock, according to the grazing management plan
Grazing sheep or goats in protected rangelands without a permit
50 S.R
200 S.R
Violating the grazing permit (number or type of livestock)
Grazing livestock on trees
2,000 S.R
Per tree
Entering vehicles and cars into protected floodplains and sandy meadows
Per truck, car, vehicle, or motorcycle
Entering vehicles not included in the grazing permit into protected rangelands
75 S.R
Per light transport vehicle
For other vehicles and motorcycles
Tampering with boundaries, signs, boards, or fences in vegetation cover lands
Camping in forests or national parks without a permit
3,000 S.R
Per camp / The violator is required to remove the violation, repair the damage, and pay compensation
Unauthorized construction of buildings or similar structures in forests or national parks
Hiking or climbing in unauthorized areas within national parks
Per person
Destroying or altering the natural state of any facility, its furnishings, equipment, or any other archaeological and cultural landmarks inside forests or national parks
Defacing public and natural landmarks in forests or national parks with writing, drawing, carving, or similar actions
400 S.R
Leaving, throwing, burying, or burning waste in non-designated areas in forests or national parks
Lighting fires in non-designated areas in forests or national parks, or using unauthorized means to light fires
The violator is also subject to penalties for burning trees or shrubs as stipulated in the firewood regulations
Damaging fixed or movable installations, cutting or damaging fences, or tampering with boundary or guidance signs in forests or national parks
Transporting local firewood
16,000 S.R
Per cubic meter (1)
Selling local firewood
Storing local firewood
Transporting local charcoal
Selling local charcoal
Storing local charcoal
Collecting local firewood without a permit
Using local firewood in commercial activities, such as restaurants, kitchens, bakeries, or similar, contrary to Article 6 of the regulations
32,000 S.R
Using local charcoal in commercial activities, such as restaurants, kitchens, bakeries, or similar, contrary to Article 6 of the regulations
Preparing firewood or charcoal from wood cutting and tree debris without a license
8,000 S.R
Transporting firewood or charcoal from wood cutting and tree debris without a license
Storing firewood or charcoal from wood cutting and tree debris without a license
Selling firewood or charcoal from wood cutting and tree debris without a license
Selling imported firewood without a license
Storing imported firewood without a license
Selling imported charcoal without a license
Storing imported charcoal without a license
Cutting, uprooting, transporting, clearing, or trading trees from vegetation cover land without a license
15,000 S.R
Per tree (2)
Bark stripping of trees, leaves, or any part of them, or removing their soil without a license
7,000 S.R
Cutting, uprooting, transporting, clearing, or trading shrubs from vegetation cover land without a license
Bark stripping of shrubs, their bark, leaves, or any part of them, or removing their soil without a license
Burning trees or shrubs, or pouring materials or liquids (e.g., diesel) on them or their soil, causing damage
Cutting, uprooting, transporting, clearing, or trading trees from protected areas without a license
30,000 S.R
40,000 S.R
Bark stripping of trees in protected areas of their bark, leaves, or any part of them, or removing their soil without a license
6,000 S.R
14,000 S.R
Cutting, uprooting, transporting, clearing, or trading shrubs from protected areas without a license
Bark stripping in protected areas, leaves, or any part of them, or removing their soil without a license
Burning trees or shrubs in protected areas or pouring harmful materials or liquids (e.g., diesel) on them, their parts, or their soil, causing damage
NOTE: The repeat penalties outlined in the table above shall apply to any individual who commits the same violation for a second time or more after a period of one year from the previous violation. The penalty imposed shall be doubled if the same violation is repeated within one year from the date on which the prior penalty became final, in accordance with the provisions of the Executive Regulations for the Monitoring of Violations and the Imposition of Penalties under the Environmental Law.
(1) Or any fraction of a cubic meter (the quantity is calculated by multiplying the occupied space's length, width, and height).
(2) The fine shall be doubled for perennial and rare trees and shrubs, as determined by the NCVC .